Artist Residency SVA, Summer 2022: Interdisciplinary Practices in Bio Art
Works Created During The Bio Art Residency For: “Ghost Ecologies: Hidden Kinships” Open Studios 2022.
These are my works presented at a group show entitled ‘Ghost Ecologies: Hidden Kinships’ which marked the culmination of my SVA summer residency in interdisciplinary practices in Bio Art . The residency ran for four weeks and covered a broad spectrum of Bio Art practices, lectures and studies.
-21 (mud pies)
This piece is a result of the shootings that occurred during the beginning of my residency. It is a reflection of my childhood experience growing up in South Texas and the children’s lives striped of those experiences.
Untitled (Despues, Cloche)
This piece is a dystopian take of a world where we are only left with saving precious nature resource by artificial means.
Mended Corazon
This mended ‘sacred heart’ was created from the stuffing of the rabbit used in the piece entitled ‘-12’. The dissection video is displayed underneath it on a pedestal.
(noun) : the act or action of propagating: such as
a: increase (as of a kind of organism) in numbers
b: the spreading of something (such as a belief) abroad or into new regions
c: enlargement or extension in a solid body
Myth: Dying Earth
“The planet has been through a lot worse than us. Been through earthquakes, volcanoes, plate tectonics, continental drift, solar flares, sun spots, magnetic storms, the magnetic reversal of the poles … hundreds of thousands of years of bombardment by comets and asteroids and meteors, worldwide floods, tidal waves, worldwide fires, erosion, cosmic rays, recurring ice ages … And we think some plastic bags and some aluminum cans are going to make a difference? The planet isn’t going anywhere. WE are!” -George Carlin
A post apocalyptic take of the renewal of the world’s floral and fauna following a nuclear winter.
Menudo: Curar Todo
Feeling the need for a remedy for this ‘hangover’ caused by the duration of the pandemic and thinking about the need to heal from dramatic increase in gun violence. I re-imagine my mother’s menudo (tripe soup) as a cure all, but created with ‘Scoby’ from Kambucha as the main ingredient with sprouting corn (as a symbol of life/regrowth).
Earth; Patent Pending
These small pieces take a look at how easily our earth is becoming more and more patented. At what point will it all be only consumable products available to a few with means to acquire it.
Microscopic Photos
This is a set of assorted examinations of floral and fauna as viewed under the microscope.