floral and botanical:
In his daily practice there is no escaping Villanueva’s ties with the natural world. In the same way there is no way to truly separate his ‘Art’ practice from his floral/botanical work/s.
‘Traces: Memory, Nature, and the Body’
Site Specific Installation for SVA Alumni Residency Programs Group Show
This botanical site specific installation for SVA Alumni Residency Programs Group spring 2024. This was an installation of two site specific pieces Impetus: Arrancando and Lunar: Enterado.
NYC Ballet x Porsche x Villanueva Designs
This botanical sight specific art installation was created for the opening night of the 2023 Spring Season for NYC Ballet at Lincoln Center, sponsored by Porsche USA which featuring their electric vehicle Taycan 4S. The theme of the evening, ‘One Dream Inspires Another.’
For the Mother’s of the Ukraine
This site specific floral installation is dedicated to the strength, bravery and resilience of the mother's of the Ukraine.
We stand in solidarity with you.
"In thinking about the concept for this piece, I kept coming back to the person who taught me the foundations of floral designs, John Yatczyshyn of Ruja Inc., who is of Ukrainian decent. In a very real way without his dedication & training I would not be here. During this time, I also lived in the Ukrainian Village in Chicago, where I learned first hand about the beauty, pride, goodwill and strength of this amazing community. "
Site specific installation created for:
Darwin’s Paradox: A Decade of BioArt
curated by Suzanne Anker & Tarah Rhoda
At SVA Flatiron Gallery Sept-Oct 2022
The piece is an investigation of a visual
vocabulary taken from my childhood memories of my grandmother using 'Curanderismo' practices to heal our family. There's also concern of the loss of this knowledge, which has been ripped from our culture due to how
we label things and the fears these labels create.
"Once you label me you negate me."-Soren Kierkegaard
De Nuestras Propias Manos: This is not happening.
A commentary on common practices in the floral community. Proposing the question how can we do better as a community by utilizing more sustainable practices, locally grown product and how we deal with waste in general. With the growing global economic impact effecting all areas of industry due to climate change, we must first be able to acknowledge that this IS actually happening.

Floating Floral

Studio Installation: Floral Sketching

Fleurs de Ville Rose Hudson Yards 2021: Breast Cancer Warrior

Fleurs de Ville Rose Hudson Yards 2021: Breast Cancer Warrior

Fleurs de Ville Rose Hudson Yards 2019: Cyndi Lauper Inspired NY Icon's

NYBG Orchid Dinner for Louis XIII

NYBG Orchid Dinner 2018

Betsey Johnson Photoshoot for Steve Madden
Clipped! on Discovery+
Clipped! on Discovery+ "Quick Clip Challenge: Getting to Know Yew!"

Food Based Centerpiece: Action Against Hunger Gala

Signature Florals, Including Living Plants

8' tall by 16' Round Floral Gardens

Still Life: Sago, Milkweed, Fig

Floating & Edible Garden for Annual Fundraising Gala

Signature Style Floral

Accent Budvase Private Client Soiree

'Rudolph the Red Nose Reindeer" Topiary All Botanicals
NYBG Orchid Dinner